The Hospital Stay
Most patients stay in the hospital approximately five to eight days after an open procedure and two to five days after a laparoscopic procedure. You will be discharged when you are able to:
- Take enough liquids and nutrients by mouth to prevent dehydration
- Have no fever
- Have adequate pain control with medication
In some procedures such as gastric bypass, one or two small tubes may be placed around the stomach pouch and the bypassed stomach to drain body fluids after the laparoscopic surgery. These are usually removed in three to ten days. To help prevent blood clots, anti-embolism stockings or other compression devices will be placed on your legs, and your surgeon will require you to attempt to stand up and move around as soon as possible, usually within the first 24 hours.
Depending on your medical condition, there is the possibility of being placed in the intensive care unit to closely monitor your heart and lungs. Depending on the hospital, patients who use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) or Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) for sleep apnea may be asked to bring their machines with them for use immediately after the operation.